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2025 Read-A-Thon Update

Reading is happening in San Carlos!!! The 5th SCEF Read-A-Thon is almost over and more than 1,600,000 minutes have been read by 2,600+ students - WAY TO GO!!!

See real-time updates at

“How do YOU Read-A-Thon??” – quotes from students, parents and teachers across our schools

“My daughter has been SO excited for the read-a-thon. When she woke up first thing yesterday morning, she was talking all about her plan for reading that day.”
“Several students are keeping track of their minutes, even carrying around a notebook to be as accurate as possible, and taking books to their lunch and recess times. Mariposa and Arroyo are running Read all Day (RAD) events today. Before lunch time today, our class logged 123 minutes - this doesn't include what kids are reading before school, snack recess, lunch recess, the remainder of our day, and after school.…”
“…we have our own family competition amongst ourselves and set up goals and stretch goals and are rewarding our children for reaching them….  We cut out all electronics and TVs for the read-a-thon…. My son got up at 5 am yesterday and 5:30 am today to start reading to reach his weekly goal knowing he is missing half of school today for travel and he wanted to reach the weekly goal he set. We will be logging a lot of minutes as we made this a huge household competition this year”
“My son woke up and read for over an hour to himself and then for some time to his little brother before school. When he got home from school he read for 3 hours before and after dinner. He is a binge reader, currently nearly through the Harry Potter series and he's never watched the movies."
"During teacher conferences, I almost yearly got informed he is sneak reading books during class. [He]… loves to read. Highlights of his Christmas break include visiting family and going with a gang of 10 other family members to the public library to hang out and read books, and then records readings by family members of books for his little brother to listen to as audiobooks when we returned to San Carlos. Most days more reading happens. “


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